Galahad Clark, Vivobarefoot
Galahad Clark
Chief executive

Galahad Clark is a founder of Vivobarefoot, a natural health lifestyle brand on a mission to reconnect people to nature and human natural potential from the ground up. With a deep understanding of his family's heritage in footwear, Galahad has embarked on a remarkable journey to redefine the industry's impact on human and planetary health. He champions the concepts of “barefoot footwear” and "natural movement," emphasizing the importance of allowing our feet to move and function as nature intended. Through Vivohealth education platform and network of barefoot movement coaches, Galahad has inspired countless individuals to reconnect with their bodies and the environment. Under Galahad’s vision to set up Vivobarefoot as a net-positive business for regeneration, the company launched: ReVivo, the first of its kind secondary market for professionally reconditioned footwear to keep them on feet -and away from landfills; and the Livebarefoot Fund, an in-house impact hub catalysing mission-aligned innovation, research and advocacy programs. As a trailblazing entrepreneur, Galahad serves as an inspiration for those seeking to blend business success with environmental consciousness. His tireless efforts in creating sustainable and functional footwear is redefining the way we think about fashion and its impact on the world.

My Sessions
Fashion retail’s disruptors: growth strategies from buzz brands that are winning consumers’ hearts and minds
Panel discussion Ham Yard Theatre